Friday, February 10, 2006

Blurred Signals

I write this post with the sexy sounds of Erotica by Madonna in the back ground. This week full of surprising experiences (complete with a lap dancing class) has made me ponder on the subtle and sometimes overtly sexual signals that we send out.

Earlier this week, I went was out on a fabulous date. I had on my feel-good outfit and my hair was kinked to perfection (well at least my sister assured me that it was) and so I ventured out to what ended up being a 6 hour date. When the plates were cleared, glasses emptied and dessert was polished off, my heart began to beat a little faster…the anticipation of the first kiss was making me very nervous.

The first kiss came and it reduced me into a fumbling mess….As we headed off home, my date kissed me in a way that made my eyebrow rise well above my head. On the cab ride home, I blushed and giggled nervously to myself…what signals did I send out to make my date surrender to such playful urges?

I do not consider myself a sexual prowess, but I often indulge in harmless flirting. It is part of my nature to flirt, I flirt with the boys and I flirt with the girls. To me, it’s all the same. I have often wondered whether my liberated sense of friendliness can be misinterpreted.

What is it that the fellas are responding to? Are the ladies constantly sending out signals unawares? Could it be the pheromones? Or perhaps it was the vanilla scent I was wearing? For those playing at home, if you had a chance to read the
Physic Moments post, you will all be amused to know that this date fitted the tall, stylish and dashingly handsome entrepreneur that sweeps my off my feet description. *Freaky*


Blogger Dianna said...

argghh you guys kissed????

haha, sorry totally irrelevant to the post, but i feel too numb to write anything analytical atm =P

1:02 PM  
Blogger PiCkLeS said...

*raises eyebrow at Betty*

Yes indeed. And Sarah Westwood if you read this...forwarding emails is VERY dangerous!

1:32 PM  
Blogger lil_lamies said...

That's right Sarah...your family does not need to know the intimate details of my date!

7:03 PM  

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