Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Christmas 2005

Lisa and I woke up this morning dreading the anticipation of spending a FULL day with our hugely extended family. We procrastinated as we were getting ready to leave the house and headed to our Grandparent’s for the day (we bear burn marks as a result of being prodded and pocked by our eager mother). Additionally, our dwindling sense of festivity was further diminished by the fact that we did not receive the dwarf pony that we had wished for again for the 4th year in a row.

Surprisingly, the day turned out to be a major success. All family members remained civil and I would go so far as to say they were even…sociable. It is a special event where 15 strong willed and strong mouthed women are cramped into a 40 degree kitchen and no blood was drawn.
Happy Christmica to all friends and family, we hope that you and yours had a truely magical time and may the new year bring you many hot and sexy new experiences!

The ladies of the house

Lip smacking goodies
Too many cooks in the kitchen?
Looks like we got that dwarf pony we asked for!
More Photos : here

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Supermarket Sweep

On Thursday night Betty and I carted a mammoth trolley with an uncooperative front wheel on the weekly supermarket shop.

Seven minutes past the initial fruit and veggie section, a little girl confronted Betty and I with her beanie buddies Elmo and Rosemetta (i.e. the Sesame Street clan). She proceeded to follow us to the meat section and introduced us to her beanie friends, and after 20 minutes of pretend conversation with two tight-lipped beanie buddies, we made haste when the little girl jammed Elmo and Rosemetta together in a lip lock claiming that they were “good” friends.

We were in such a hurry to give the beanies privacy we forgot to pick up the diced lamb. We agreed to hide in isle 5 for a few minutes and then make our way back to the meat section. This time, an older man with an offending Hawaiian un-buttoned shirt greeted us with an “eehhhhh girrlllllsss…”. This saw Betty and I hustle as fast as humanly possible.

10 minutes later in isle 3, Mr. Hawaiian-shirt proceeded to leave his trolley at the end of the isle to approach us to ask us how we were. As we ignored him, and walked past his trolley, Betty decied to take Mr. Hawaiian’s man-bag out of his abandoned trolley and relocated it on the third shelf in isle 4. That’ll lean him.

In the cold section, I was picking out Betty no-fat super slim plastic flavoured cheese when i heard a familiar voice saying “this is Elmo”, in slow motion I dived for the cheese, bolted for the trolley and Betty successfully managed a 3 point-turn as we sprinted for the checkout. I never realized that grocery shopping could be such an ordeal.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Boot Scootin' Weekend

Saturday night saw us head onto the M2 and venture towards Pennant Hills. We attended the much talked about and highly anticipated DanceArts Showdown 2005. What a special night, we were entertained by hip hop dancers, comedic MCs, our lovely and talented friend Di and who could forget fast fingers Jacky Chan. Needless to say the night was a complete success (we won’t mention the cat fight that threatened to erupt if those little girls ignored my “don’t mess with me” glare).

It was wonderful to finally meet Di’s boyfriend Mr. Delta Goodrem (closet boy band fan) and her best friend the gorgeous Vivian (No Viv, we are not Puerto Rican), Last but not least it was also great to see the Great White Hope in the flesh ( who bears a strange resemblance to Lisa’s ex boyfriend)

Sunday night rolled along and the twins are looking suspiciously tanner. We head to out to dinner with the wonderful Westies at the Lonstar (did anyone else see the irony?) A night filled with steak, faux cocktails and animal taxidermy ended with an awkward birthday song dedicated to Jacky and mistakenly sung to Mr. Westwood. (We should mention that it was in fact no body’s birthday! We wanted the free brownie/fudge/cream/sprinkle thingy). Good times….!