Happy Christmas 2005
Lisa and I woke up this morning dreading the anticipation of spending a FULL day with our hugely extended family. We procrastinated as we were getting ready to leave the house and headed to our Grandparent’s for the day (we bear burn marks as a result of being prodded and pocked by our eager mother). Additionally, our dwindling sense of festivity was further diminished by the fact that we did not receive the dwarf pony that we had wished for again for the 4th year in a row.
Surprisingly, the day turned out to be a major success. All family members remained civil and I would go so far as to say they were even…sociable. It is a special event where 15 strong willed and strong mouthed women are cramped into a 40 degree kitchen and no blood was drawn.
Happy Christmica to all friends and family, we hope that you and yours had a truely magical time and may the new year bring you many hot and sexy new experiences!
The ladies of the house